Breast Lactation and Lifting Massage
A gentle application of massage therapy and manual lymph drainage which aids in helping a mother cope with discomfort during pregnancy, milk production, breastfeeding, weaning and lactation mastitis. It also supports the breasts to assist in keeping them healthy and in better shape and for the prevention of breast cancer.

What is Breast Lactation and Lifting Massage?
A post-natal breast massage or breast lifting massage is a soothing massage to your breast to help you lactate and assist in keeping your breast healthy, and in better shape. Also known as the lymphatic massage, massaging the breast specifically in a way that mimics how lymph moves, helps remove toxins in the body.
Benefits of Breast Lactation and Lifting Massage
Some new mothers may experience their breasts barely producing any milk or having blocked milk ducts. A breast lactation and lifting massage can help you cope with discomfort during pregnancy, in milk production, in breastfeeding, in weaning, and in lactation mastitis. It also supports the breasts to assist in keeping them healthy and in better shape.

Your lymphatic system is responsible for helping your body flush out toxins. A lymphatic massage specifically massages the breast in a way that mimics how lymph moves, which helps your body remove the toxins trapped in the lymphatic system. It also helps in the prevention of breast cancer.